Welcome To Pawar's Clinic (Urology & Gyane Hospital)

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Aliganj, Lucknow

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24*7 Health Services

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Hospital Services

We provide best medical services and best medical care in the city. We have best surgeon in our hospital. Our main focus is on the patient who comes to our centre for the treatment at very reasonable charges. We have well equipped operation theatre provided by best medical and surgical instrument in OT.


In urology we treat male patient suffering from enlarge prostate, prostate cancer and male as female patient suffering from urinary track infection.
In urology we treat male patient suffering from enlarge prostate, prostate cancer and male as female patient suffering from urinary track infection.
In urology we treat male

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

This is a special and highly equipped wing for female patient provided by delivery LSCS MTP other major and minor surgeries of female related problems. Obs. & Gyne treatment is under supervision of Dr. Reeta Singh who is the one of the best gynecologist in the city. This is a special and highly equipped wing for

Laproscopic Surgery

In laparoscopy surgery we include removal of kidney stone as gall-bladder stone and other minor surgeries. It is very convenient for the patient. No major surgery in this procedure will be performed. The duration of stay for the patient is only 3-4 days. This laparoscopy surgery is performed by renowned Dr. R.S Pawar in the city. He is the highly qualified MCH surgeon.

Urology Doctor

He has been doing all sorts of Urological procedures, Laproscopic urology surgeries, Andrology, Male Infertility and Reconstructive Urosurgeries.

Gyane Doctor

She is a very confident surgeon who is doing all sorts of Gyanecological procedures, Obstetric work, Laproscopic surgeries and infertility work.

All Service

All services available 24*7 daily, you can contact on Reception or call at +91-522-4044888 or mail us at info@pawarsclinic.com

Medicine Facilities

Well being offices are spots that give medicinal services. They incorporate in all facilities, example, small and large operation duration focuses.

We Offer Quality Full and Affordable Service For You.

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